Monday, January 8, 2007

Existence for existence sake

Examine the mosquito. It's existence has been a blight on mankind for millennia is there reference in the bible to their necessity? (genuine question) or do they exist for existence sake.
What do they offer? Nothing but annoyance and malaria. Some might argue that their existence is some kind of divine population control or perhaps some sort of spiritual punishment. Is disease like A.I.D.S., cancer, black death or war not population control enough? And as for spiritual punishment is over 200 thousand years of neglect not enough? No! Mosquitoes exist because there is a market niche in evolutions design for an insect with it's various individual talents? The same goes for a disease like A.I.D.S. and others (the Australian Aboriginal tribes were decimated by the simple flu brought along with early settlers). Like the flu as A.I.D.S. travels from person to person it adapts and changes you don't need to be told this as many, many strains of Aids are now in existence.

I remember when Aids first came to light. My Aunty, a devout Christian, said it was 'God's punishment to homosexuals' this immediately set bells ringing because didn't he make all living things? But from that day on I watched closely and at first it seemed to me that it was true but then Women and straight men started getting it and then most devastatingly of all were the stories of new born babies with an insidious death sentence. My heart ached to see it, to look into the eyes of a baby that was doomed.

So one step to my rejection of an 'All mighty' was complete. I should say two, the rather petty conjecture about the mosquito ie, that it was created as divine punishment, was rejected when I was too young to remember.

The mosquito and the Aids virus exist because they have an evolutionary market.

There are two things to note however, the first is that we have an couple of evolutionary aces up our sleeves; the first is that for malaria many equatorial races (dark complexion) have the predisposition to sickle cell anemia denounced in the 18th century as a black mans disease is in fact immune to malaria. ie. equatorial adaption.
Does this mean that the black man is more evolved than the white man? No!
Just adapted to a different environment. And as for Aids, we are effectively devolving it. The cause came from Africa with some tribes ritually eating chimps with a very Aids like disease, initially virulent and leaping from the African jungles (in it's current form) in the 70's along with transient workers from the tribes.

Initially death was not far behind contamination but the most successful virus was the one that spread the most offspring, and as the host with the less virulent strains lived longer they therefore passed more of the less virulent strains on and in turn this diluted the more aggressive side of the virus' nature. Perhaps one day it won't be a death sentence.
The Yang to this Yin is that there are 2 prostitutes in African ghetto's that have an immunity to Aids. (Virologists are currently studying these prostitutes) If this is the key to a cure was it evolution or divine intervention. If it was D.I. then two ancestor worshiping prostitutes are paradoxical messengers.

Though I suppose if one was dismissive of such light arguments one might say 'The Lord works in mysterious ways'. To which I would reply 'why'?

We too (in my opinion) exist for existence sake. We are a blight and a disease, gobbling up the resources, the wilderness and the fresh air. But we are also the light and hope of all living things.

We have stumbled in the darkness, we have made mistakes, be we are (should be) educated enough to turn from our path of devastation and come to terms with the idea that whether God exists or not, we are alone in our fight for survival. We have to fend for ourselves and take the stewardship and the responsibility that goes with it. Do not take the path of leaving it to a higher power for even if he/she does exist there is no guarantee that he/she will intervene.

The lord helps those who help themselves.

PS. Africa is dying, the birthplace of man, our Jerusalem. War, disease, despotic rule and all other elements of anti-humanism abound. Weep sons of Africa, hang your heads in shame - humanities heart aches for thee.

For my own thoughts:
From the Old Testament.
'no man is poor but he who lacks knowledge'

'mans plans are like candy to the Fates' (source unknown)


sam said...
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Mrs Positive said...


as usual your blog entry is amazing.

As for mozzies, viruses are living things and I think (for what that's worth LOL) they are far more intelligent than we give them credit for... the humble mozzie is merely a symbiot (is that the Star trek spelling lol) a vehicle for the virus. I'll get back to you on the rest.

I had no idea of the 2 immune prozzies... thats incredible.

Love the blog... still